Thursday, January 14, 2010


Hello! My name is Rebecca Fore and I'm a 21 year old full-time college student and I'm also working full-time as well. After I complete the necessary requirements to transfer to the University of Minnesota I hope to obtain a degree in Public Relations and Sports Broadcasting. I've always really enjoyed sports, especially hockey, but I've never been that great at it. With my degree, my goal is to one day work for the NHL and hopefully one day I could work for my favorite hockey team (the Minnesota Wild.) I have a great family which consists of my Mother & Father-Dottie and Ed, who have been married for 35 years this June, and also my two brothers and one sister, Michael, Eddie, and Sarah. An addition to our family I have two gorgeous nieces, and three amazingly handsome nephews with another surprise on the way!

Rebecca Fore

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