Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Victim Fights Back

The Victim Fights Back!

Yesterday afternoon around 4 p.m. a robbery occurred at a convenience store on Bonneville Drive. The victim was Michele Schipper, a sophomore majoring in journalism at Anoka-Ramsey Community College (ARCC). According to Schipper, she pulled up to the side of the convenience store, and was getting out of her car when she was confronted. Schipper who was reaching in her car to pull out her purse when a man about 6-feet tall approached her and told her to give him her purse. She quickly complied and when she went to reach for her purse she turned around and kicked him in the groin area, and he started to go down. “I was afraid he wouldn’t stay down, and that he would seek some kind of retribution, so while he was down I gave him a roundhouse to the nose,” stated Schipper. “I could hear some crunching, and some blood spurted so I got in my car and drove way and called the cops from a motel down the street,” said Schipper. The police arrived at the convenience store but the suspect had already fled the scene. According to Schipper, there were no eye-witnesses, and with the robbery only lasting seconds she was unable to see the man well enough to identify him.


  1. I like your twist on the story! All of the facts are represented in an organized way!

  2. great story!! i liked how you got out all of the important details of the story and that they all flowed!! great job agian!

  3. Not any opinion I can easily find, great post. A few very minor grammar errors like "a man about 6-foot tall" could be "a 6-foot tall man" or "a man about six feet tall" even.
