Thursday, April 22, 2010

Career Decisions and Opportunities

Jessica Nelson, Anoka-Ramsey Community College-Cambridge Campus

ARCC first began in 1965 with approximately 600 students in the wing of the Centennial High School building and later moved to the Coon Rapids campus in 1967. The Cambridge campus opened a little over ten years later with enrollment continually growing every year since. As of the 2008-2009 year, more than 11,000 students were enrolled at ARCC. Throughout those years choosing a career is not always an easy choice for the students at Anoka-Ramsey Community College (ARCC). Many students enroll at ARCC with the intentions of completing the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MNTC) with the idea of furthering their education to a four-year degree. For some, they fulfill their goals, and for many others their goals might take a different turn in life. A number of students continue to work towards their careers in the fields that they’re most interested in or display immense talent in. The MNTC consists of 10 goal areas which students work towards completing the 40-credit minimum requirement to be eligible for transfer.

ARCC Cambridge Campus student, Jessica Nelson stated, “I first enrolled at ARCC thinking that I would eventually transfer schools and become an art major, but after a few courses I think I would be better in the accounting field. I’ve always liked math, but my teachers here made me enjoy it even more”.

Whether students are planning to enroll in college to exceed in their interest, or talents, they all need direction. “I really had no clue on what I wanted to do with my life. I spoke with a few of the different counselors at the Coon Rapids campus at ARCC and they eventually led me in the direction to teaching elementary. I really love kids, and enjoy watching them absorb knowledge with excitement, so it was an easy choice for me,” said ARCC Coon Rapids student, Michelle Bourbeau.

With ARCC offering hundreds of courses both online and on-campus combined, it makes ARCC a very easy choice for many students. ARCC also offers summer courses to interested students. “When I first started looking for colleges I wanted a school that was affordable, and offered classes that I had the most interest in. I also wanted a college that also had courses online that would relate to my major and ARCC stood out the most to me. I’m now on my second year at ARCC and will be transferring to the University of Minnesota next spring,” stated ARCC student Kyle Silberg.

For potential students interested in becoming a student at ARCC there’s over 10 counselors available to provide any questions and information one might have. There is also the college’s website Anoka that also provides many questions and information available to the public.

“For me the college’s website is the easiest and most convenient tool I’ve used here at ARCC. I’m able to pay my tuition, purchase my books, and register for courses. I think I’d be lost without it,” said Nelson.

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