Thursday, April 1, 2010

Enterprise Topic

I chose "College-The best of times, and the worst of times" for my enterprise story topic. I chose it because I wanted to stray away from the traditional stories that you might read about on campus. In a perfect world most people would claim that college is "the best time of your life." However, is that really the case for ALL students? I want to dive deeper into this subject and learn about current student's experience while attending ARCC as well as staff members observations of other students. Im actually really excited to write this story!


  1. That is an intriguing topic. I will look forward to reading it and seeing how you flesh out the idea.

  2. Do you know that our instructor can't see if or what we comment on your topics? That means we can't get credit for the class. Do you want to change this status? It would be helpful to the rest of us who like to get our homework done.
