Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Who is paying for the cost of college these days?

              Financial Aid for a majority of the students at Anoka-Ramsey Community College (ARCC) is one way students are paying for their college tuition.

             Regardless of age or martial status student loans are and will be the common method for students seeking financial aid in a post-secondary education. According to President Barack Obama’s new student loan proposal that has been introduced to legislation, it will increase direct federal loans benefiting the students. With this additional assistance students will have more money available for loans and grants thus creating greater opportunities for the students.

                 For the slight number of students receiving financial assistant from their parents or guardians this noticeably will not effect them. However, students that are in need of further assistant this comes at the perfect time for them. When working full-time and even picking up a part-time job just to provide enough income to support yourself with the rising cost of rent, food, tuition, books, and bills this proposal will offer a much needed sigh of relief for many students. However, the new student loan proposal involves eliminating private student loan programs through banks and companies such as Wells Fargo and as an alternative, students would borrow directly from the government.

            Although there is a positive to the proposal. Since there’s more federal dollars available to students that are guaranteed from the federal government, the less likely students are to rely on private loans which have become very limited. As for students like Rebecca Fore, these loans will bring a little weight off her shoulder.


  1. I think you had a great story! Good topic. A lot of students get stressed out about the financial part of going to school and some people don't go to college because of it! I don't think people shouldnt go to college because they can't afford it, the government needs to find a better way of offering student loans.

  2. great job! this seems to be an interesting topic! but ive learned something from all!

  3. I like it, but I'm not sure what your poll was about or the results of them.
